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Q: Paleontologists noticed that these were the same on different continents even though the contients were separated by oceans?
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Paleontologists noticed that these were the same on different continents even through the continents were separated by oceans?


A 7 letter word where paleontologists noticed that these were the same on different continents even though the continents were separated by oceans?


Where all the continents together?

They where all stuck together so the Dinosaurs could move all around the world.But then all the Contients were separated.

Paleontologists noticed that these were the same on different continents even though the continents were separated by ocean?

The same rocks and minerals from the same batch, dinosaur fossils dating back to the same time periods, natural landforms and structures can be found on completely separate continents. This evidence supports the Plate Techtonics and Continental Drift theories.

When were the continents separated?

The continents separated from Pangea about 200 million years ago. The continents were in there present state (with different shorelines) 50 million years ago.

Why permian fossils are important in understanding plate tectonics?

Paleontologists use a land bridge between continents to explain the existence of identical fossils that are spread out on separated land masses. They contend that the continents were once connected but have since drifted apart.

When the continents separated some of the same species ended up on different continents this was due from?

Plate tectonics

How would present day animals and rocks on different continents compare since the continents have been separated for a long time?

Present day and animals and rocks on different continents compare the been separated for a long time by scientist examines rocks to find out about earth's history and structure

What are two continents that are separated by a mountain range?

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Why are the same dinosaur bones found on different continents?

Dinosaurs lived before the continents separated from each other. Dinosaurs lived over wide areas in different places.

What is same on different continents even though separated by oceans?

There are some same species of both plants and animals located on separated continents. This is because the continents were all at one point joined together in one super continent: Pangea, but separated some 200 million years ago. fossils

Did pangaea separate into four continents?

No it separated into 3 continents