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gastric juice

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Q: Pancreatic juice is another digestive juice added in the small intestine It is product in the?
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How do the accessory organ aid digestion?

In addition to the alimentary canal, vertebrate digestive systems include the following accessory organs: The liver secretes a substance called bile into the gallbladder, where it is stored for eventual use in digestion. Bile is a fluid mixture composed of bile pigment and bile salt. Bile pigment is a waste product resulting from destroyed red blood cells. Bile salt plays an important role in preparing fats for digestion. The gallbladder stores and concentrates bile secreted by the liver. Fatty food in the small intestine triggers contractions in the gallbladder, releasing bile into the bile duct, which transports it into the small intestine. The pancreas produces a fluid mixture, called pancreatic juice, composed of digestive enzymes and a bicarbonate buffer, which balances the pH levels in the digestive tract. The pancreas secretes pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes into the small intestine, where it is used to break down proteins, starches, and fats.

Where in the digestive system in undigested waste acted upon by bacteria and mixed with dead cells to form feces?

Faeces are formed in the large intestines. Human faeces is the waste product of the human digestive system including bacteria. It varies significantly in appearance, according to the state of the digestive system diet and general health in the digestive system.

Where does digestive system start and end?

The digestive system begins at the mouth and ends at the anus. In between, food travels through:PharynxEsophagusStomachSmall Intestine (Here, it is also processed by the pancreas, liver, and spleen, though it passes through none of them)Large IntestineRectum

What is an antipeptone?

An antipeptone is a product of gastric and pancreatic digestion, differing from hemipeptone in not being decomposed by the continued action of pancreatic juice.

What is the end product of proteins in the digestive system in humans?

i think the digestive end product for a protein would be simple sugars.

What are the end-products of digestive system?

the end product of digestive system is igestion

What is the function of a stomach in a human?

The stomach is the first breakdown area of all foods and pills ingested,in the digestive system into a uniform secondary product by the interraction of hydrochloric acid. The secondary product is then moved to the next area of digestion.

What happens in the first part of the small intestine?

it absorbs a product

What is the effect of the pancrease?

The pancreas, secretes a number of enzymes including pancreatic juice which goes into the small intestine. These enzymes help breakdown the nutriental compounds in chyme from the gall bladder's bile which originally helped break down the consumed product in the stomach. Overall, the pancreas helps break down nutrients in the small intestine and separates the good from the bad and the bad....well, is the waste. The nutrients go to your body.

Is bile both excretory product and digestive secretion?


What is the thin watery product of digestion that moves slowly out of the stomach into the small intestine?


What is the first organ in the alimentary canal of humans in which proteases react chemically with food?

Starch is first broken down into maltose, a reducing sugar, in the mouth by salivary amylase. Starch that is not broken down in the mouth is digested in the small intestine by pancreatic amylase. Then, the maltose is further digested by the enzyme maltaseinto the final product glucose in the small intestine. Protein is broken down into amino acids in two places-the stomach, and/or the small intestine. In the stomach, it is broken down by pepsin, while it is digested by trypsin in the small intestine. Fats are digested only in the small intestine. It is first broken down into fatty droplets by bile*. Then, the fatty droplets is diegested into the final product 3 fatty acids and 1 glycerol by lipase. *Bile is not an enzyme.