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gram-positive bacteria

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Q: Penicillin works best on
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How does penicillin?

Penicillin works by inactivating an enzyme necessary for the cross linking bacterial cell walls.Its given to people who use it and get cured

Is penicillin bacteriocidal?

Yes, penicillin is a beta- lactam antibiotic and it works by inhibiting the formation of peptidoglycan cross-links in the bacterial cell wall Yes, penicillin is a beta- lactam antibiotic and it works by inhibiting the formation of peptidoglycan cross-links in the bacterial cell wall

How Does penicillin work for an abscess tooth?

The best antibiotic for an abscessed tooth can depend on how bad the infection is and which the dentist prefers. Sometimes penicillin is best if the infection is bad. Amoxicillin is part of the penicillin family and is associated with the treatment of abscessed teeth.

What makes penicillin an effective antibiotic?

Works By Preventinq Bacteria , From Makinq Cell Walls .

Does penicillin works against influenza virus?

no, antibiotics kill bacteria/fungi not virus'

What headache medicine is best to take with Penicillin?

Penicillin has probably nothing to do with headache medicine. You can take any analgesic without regards to penicillin. Aspirin is not given below 12 years of age in fever. You are taking penicillin. That means you probably have got fever.

Where is the best place to give a cat a penicillin shot?

The vet

What Alexander Fleming best known for?

The bacteriologist who discovered penicillin.

How are penicillin good?

Penicillin are good because it will cure you on your scratches(cuts)You heard about the penicilliacure right? if you haven't go buy one right now! gosh it works sooo good!

Are archaea bacteria resistant to penicillin?

Without fully explaining how the penicillin antibitic works: yes, archaea are resistant to penicillin. This is because they don't have peptidoglycan in their cell wall. Penicillin works by lowering the newly formed peptidoglycan in multiplying bacteria. It also does other things. The reason it works (this is natural penicillin G) only on Gr+ is because the can't get through the GR- cell wall. (I say this because both + and - HAVE peptidoglycan in their cell wall)

How does penicillin work as an enzyme inhibitor?

Penicillin works by irreversibly inhibiting an enzyme (transpeptidase) that catalyzes a crosslinking reaction in the formation of the bacterial cell wall. Penicillin inhibits the transpeptidase by forming an irreversible covalent bond with the active-site serine residue in the enzyme

A disease where penicillin has been successful?

It actually works with many diseases unless if your body has a resistance against it