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The Chinese people helped build the Central Pacific railroad. The Central Pacific railroad was built during 1863 to 1885.

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Q: People from Asia who helped build the central pacific railroad?
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Chinese immigrants helped build the what railroad?

The Central Pacific, California Central Railroad, and the San Jose Railway.

How many Chinese workers helped build the central pacific railroad?

Approximately 10,000 Chinese workers were hired by the Central Pacific Railroad.

Who was in charge of the Central Pacific railroad?

The people who helped build the Central Pacific was the exodusters i think. If you don't know (just like meh) then go and time in, "Who helped build the Central Pacific?" and you'll probably be there!

Irish immigrants helped build what Railroad?

Irish immigrants worked on the union pacific railroad to help build west from Omaha Nebraska. The Union Pacific was in fierce competition with the central pacific railroad so the irish sometimes would sabotage the work of the central pacific.

Which immigrants helped build the transcontial railroad?

Mostly Irish on the UP, mainly Chinese on the Central Pacific.

Chinese immigrants helped build the Railroad?

The Central Pacific Railroad (CPRR) was the name of the railroad network built between California and Utah (where it met/joined the Union Pacific Railroad). Chinese labor was an essential resource for constructing the railroad. Fifty Chinese laborers were hired by the Central Pacific Railroad in February 1865 and more and more were added to the crews as construction continued because they were cheap - and easily exploited - labor.

Irish workers and the transcontinental railroad?

They helped because of a food famin and needed more money.

Who provided funding for the transcontinental railroad?

the pacific railroad act helped fund the building of the railroad and it gave the railroad company land.

Where did the union pacific railroad start?

Omaha Nebraska hope i helped

What was the invention that helped Hiram Johnson counter the power of the Southern Pacific Railroad?

The automobile

Who is leland standford?

Amasa Leland Stanford was an American tycoon, industrialist, politician and founder of Stanford University. Leland Stanford also helped plan and build California's Central Pacific railroad.

Did Chinese workers work on the transcontinental railroad?

Yes, but mostly on the Central Pacific railroad. they made up most of the working force, and were very efficient. just type in "chinese work on the transcontinental railroad" and a lot of sites will show up. i hope this helped! [we're doing an essay for school, that's why i know, incase you were wondering.]