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The constituent parts of a cell membrane; proteins, lipids, cholesterol etc. are linked together by weak forces, not strong enough to turn the membrane into a rigid or gel-like structure but move freely bidimensionally. Parts of the membrane can move to other locations and sometimes lipids can even flip over from one layer to the other (external to internal membrane layer or vice versa) with the aid of enzymes such as flipase.

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the membrane is flexiable

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Q: Plasma membrane referred to the fluid mosaic?
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What part of the cell is referred to as to fluid mosaic model?

The cell membrane or plasma membrane is often referred to as the fluid mosaic model. This is because it is composed of a fluid lipid bilayer with embedded proteins, giving it a mosaic-like appearance. The fluidity allows for the movement and exchange of molecules within the membrane.

What is the structural model of the plasma membrane called-?

structural model of plasma membrane is called the selectively permeable membrane Structural model of the plasma membrane is called Fluid Mosaic Model.

What is the membrane referred to as the fluid mosaic?

cell membrane

Why is the plasma membrane referred to as the fluid moasic model?

The plasma membrane is referred to as the fluid mosaic model because it is composed of a fluid lipid bilayer with embedded proteins that create a mosaic-like pattern. The lipid bilayer is fluid and allows for the movement of molecules within the membrane, while the embedded proteins can move around and interact with one another, creating a dynamic and mosaic-like structure.

Which model of the plasma membrane is currently the most accepted?

The fluid mosaic model, of corse!

Because the phospholipid molecules and some proteins are free to move the plasma membrane is said to be?

fluid mosaic

What id the fluid mosaic model?

a model of plasma membrane of cell

Plasma membrane is best described as a fluid mosaic model?

False; the fluid mosaic model describes the plasma membrane as a flexible boundary of a cell.

What does fluid mosaic mean in reference to the plasma membrane?

A plasma membrane is described as mosaic because all the different components such as proteins and phospholipids, of varying shape and size, give the effect of the stones of a mosaic. It is described as fluid because these components can move freely within the membrane.

Why is the plasma membrane referred to as fluid mosaic?

What is the role of transport and channel proteins within the fluid mosaic of the plasma membrane?

They allow movement of salts and sugars through the plasma membrane

The is a model used to explain the components and properties of a plasma membrane?

Fluid-mosaic model