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Q: Pod refers to a mind b foot c three d tooth?
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What defense mechanism operates by pushing anxiety -provoking material into the unconscious?

In Psychology, repression refers to pushing unwelcome material out of the conscious mind.

What is taekwondo in English?

Roughly translated it is hand, foot, and mind.

What are the type of the Brian?

The word "brain" refers to the physical organ, whereas the word "mind" refers to the phenomena of thought and imagination etc, and does not neccessarily refer to anything physical. It is believed that the mind is a manifestation of the brain.

What is the philosophy of the tango?

Refers to a philophy which makes people change their views in mind.

What is the Difference between perceptual and conceptual?

'Perceptual' refers to something that exists and can be sensed. 'Conceptual' refers to things that do not exist, but can be thought of in one's mind.

Is action a mood?

No, action is not a mood. Action refers to the process of doing something, while mood refers to the emotional atmosphere or state of mind.

What does the expression mind over body mean?

It refers to the mind and will power. Your body may feel week and as a result you physically, but if you put your mind to it (perseverance and determination) and obstacle can be conquered.

What is the fastest way to become a foot slave?

get married, your wife wont mind!

What word can follow beach base and foot?

ball comes to mind

What term refers to practicing a series of exercises meant to discipline the mind and body?


What is a legal term meaning guilty mind and refers to criminal intent?

Mens rea

What is 'mens rea' in English?

Mens translates to "the mind" in Latin, and rea is the female nominative form of the Latin term reum "guilty," "defendant," or "accused."Therefore, mens rea = "guilty mind."