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When a star has used up all the hydrogen in its core, it has reached the end of the main sequence. Subsequent developments depend on the mass and composition of the star. Sun-type stars may expand and continue to fuse ever heavier elements in and about their core, until fusion no longer yields sufficient energy to prevent collapse.

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Q: Point in stellar evolution when a star has used up all its fuel?
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Star clusters are collections of same-age stars that remain intact for billions of years. When plotted on a H-R diagram, a cutoff point of stars leaving the main sequence and massive stars further evolved are shown, confirming the theory of stellar evolution.

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Stellar evolution is the collection of hypotheses that describes how stars develop as they age.

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The main sequence stage is a point in the stellar evolution of stars in the universe at which every star converts hydrogen into helium in its cores and releases huge amounts of energy.

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The fact that each star starts out with all the hydrogen that its ever going to have.

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A red giant star is a dying star that is in the last stages of stellar evolution. Red giant stars are red in color.

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The mass of a star affects the lifespan of the star. The less the mass, the longer life span of the star. More massive stars burn up their fuel more quickly than the smaller stars. As the massive stars begin to burn the fuel and become smaller, the life span increases.

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Stellar evolution

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After a death of a Giant Star, a corpse of a star will be the remaining of it, right in the center of the aftermath, you will find one of the strangest objects in the Universe, the Pulsar and the Neutron Star.