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Q: Portugal took control of the cinnamon trade from the .?
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Portugal took control of the cinnamon trade from the?


Who took control to slave trade in 1713?

No one took control. It was an all south trade with slave markets.

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Who took over control of the spice trade from the portuguese?


Who took over the control of the spice trade from the portuguese?


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Dias was a captain who took a fleet of ships on a mission to control Muslim trade and one of his ships just happens to find a route from Portugal to India that went around the bottom of Africa

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It took about 6-8 weeks to sail.

Which country took the lead in finding a trade route to India?

Who followed the path of dias around southern tip of Africa but continued to India opening trade route for Portugal

What to do if you ate too much cinnamon?

Define "too much." Cinnamon is actually very good for you, especially in the control and prevention of diabetes. You could call poison control and ask if the amount you took might cause stomach distress or other problems, but my guess is that nothing bad will happen to you at all from it.

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The Dutch took control of the spice trade from the Portugese in the fifteenth century.

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They Became Rich.