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Positive energy balance is always important. Having your energy in balance keeps you from slipping too far into the negative and keeps you on a path toward happiness.

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Q: Positive energy balance is important when?
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Positive energy balance important when?

Positive energy balance is always important. Having your energy in balance keeps you from slipping too far into the negative and keeps you on a path toward happiness.

When is positive energy important?

Positive energy balance is always important. Having your energy in balance keeps you from slipping too far into the negative and keeps you on a path toward happiness.

What causes positive energy balance and what are the effects of positive energy balance?

Positive energy balance is when energy intake exceeds expenditure weight is gained

When energy balance in the body is positive body mass decreases.?

When energy balance in the body is positive body mass decreases

When energy balance in the body is positive body mass decreases?

When energy balance in the body is positive body mass decreases

When energy balance in the body is positive the body mass decreases?

When energy balance in the body is positive body mass decreases

What is positive energy balence?

Positive energy balance means that you are consuming mre calories than you burn. It is good if you are tyring to gain weight.

What happens when a person is in positive energy balance?

When a person has positive energy balance it actually means that the energy they get out of their food is more than they are using for digestion and physical activity. overtime increasing body weight and maybe causing CHD, diabetes or a high cholesterol.

What is the Difference between positive and negative energy balance in relation to food and exercise?

A positive energy balance is when you're taking in the correct amount of calories according to your age, height and gender and expending the appropriate number of calories. A negative balance is when you're not. I know which school you're from, I had to do this as an assignment too...

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