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British officials held the top jobs and Indians filled the other jobs. British policies were designed to fit India into the overall British economy. The modernizing of India included western technology and western culture.

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11y ago

The British empire had a great impact on india. Positive impacts include education, introduction to civilisation: architecture, art. Wiping out nmpotrious gangs. Banning the sati

But lets not forget these indians were mistreated, had no rights, starved, slaughtered, and persecution.

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12y ago

British came here as merchant as we all know ,they observe Indian lifestyle and revenue system which is based on self sufficient villages including Panchayat system and Gurukul education system. They first destroyed it first.

A significant result of the British conquest was the political and administrative unification of India even though under and in the interest of foreign rulers and establishment of uniform rule of law. New social classes arose. In the areas of Permanent Settlement a new class of landlords emerged which regarded land as their private property and aimed at obtaining the maximum monetary gain out of it. The cultivators were mere tenants with no rights and could be evicted by the landowners. There was a emergence of middle class. People of this class received modern education and became interested in public services. With the beginning of modern industry a class of industrialists as well as of big and small traders also started growing. There was also money lenders in the villages.Another significant group which emerged was that of professional people who constituted the intelligentsia -officials, lawyers, doctors, teachers, journalists, technicians and others. This group mainly drawn from the new social classes was very important in the society. It was more liberal in outlook because it drew its position and strength from professional competence rather than hereditary privilege.

The British rule created a vast mass of landless peasants. The movement of the landless for tenancy rights and against the exploitation and movements of peasants began to surface. The industrial working class became socially significant later. Some British administrators were inspired by the liberal ideas popular in the West and tried to introduce them in India. This was reflected in some of the social legislation of the British govt in India and in the introduction of modern education. Some of the important measures taken were the abolition of sati, ban on infanticide and granting the legal right to widows to remarry. The educational system was reorganized and it brought the educated people into contact with the modern ideas of democracy and nationalism. The beginning of the Press in spite of the severe restrictions placed upon it from time to time helped progressively to spread modern ideas to a large number of people

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13y ago

The positive effects that British rule over India had were:-

  1. Improvement in education system of India
  2. Indian people realized that anyone could exploit them and their country if they are not together and aware.
  3. Social awareness and removal of many disbeliefs.
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