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I'd say it depends on what you're looking for and what field you're in. I had a long career in PR in the private sector for a variety of agencies and nonprofits. I recently landed a job in public affairs with a federal agency. Though I took a slight pay cut starting out, I'm confident that, in the long run, my pay will increase much more steadily as I continue to earn good performance appraisals with step/grade increases, etc. But, really, I took the opportunity because it offers greater job security compared to the private sector as well as the flexibility to move around to different federal agencies should my promotion potential max out or I otherwise need to leave my current position. I'm 42 with a 4-year-old and a husband on disability so job security and the promise of great retirement benefits are, of course, more appealing to me than the big money with big risks associated with working at a large PR agency.

The only drawback is the fact that, while everyone kept telling me that my benefits would be "great," from what I see now, I'm not so impressed. I'm paying a higher premium and co-payment than I was in the private sector and I miss little but important things like the convenience of my FSA health benefits card (which is not yet offered in the fed...or at least by my agency.) I'm also peeved at how petty my agency -- or at least my dept. -- can be about leave, etc. I'm used to extreme flexibility -- as long as I billed a certain amount of hours per day and accounted for the rest of my time, it pretty much didn't matter where I was (i.e., I could telework in the morning if I had an appt. or make up time in the office.) Though my agency offers teleworking, it's set for one day of the week--everyone who teleworks is doing so on the same day...which I find a bit silly.

But giving up my play hard/work hard, flexible lifestyle, big salary and perks is (I'm hoping!) a small, temporary sacrifice for the longer-term benefit of to-retirement job security and guaranteed pay increases based on merit. Bottom line, you've got to decide where you are in life and decide accordingly.

Hope this helps!

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  1. In PRIVATE SECTOR priorities have been determined by the profit motive whereas in PUBLIC SECTOR priorities have been determined by political process.
  2. PRIVATE SECTOR PR is characterised by more efficient process as compared to PUBLIC SECTOR.
  3. PVT SECTOR provides better services to its public as compared to public sector enterprises.
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The private sector is that part of business and commerce that is not run by the Government

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