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Thermoplastic plastics melt when heated and therefore can be easily molded and recycled. In comparison, Thermoset plastics utilize a chemical reaction to cure and irreversibly set.

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Q: Pvc is a thermoplastic give the main advantage of thermoplastics?
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What are the two main plastics?

thermosettings and thermoplastics. A thermoplastic can be remelted and reused, a thermoset cannot.

What are the adventage of thermoplastic material?

The main advantage of thermoplastic material is that it can be heated up, molded and then cooled again with no changes to the overall properties of the material (like it getting weaker and falling apart, for instance). Thermoplastics can be re-heated and re-molded as well, which is in contrast to thermosetting materials which can be heated and molded once but then not reset.

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* acrylonite butodine styrene * acrylic * celluloid * cellulose acetate * ethylene-vinyl acetate * styrene-acrylonitrile * polyvinylidene chloride * polyvinyl chloride * polyvinyl acetate * polyurethane

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By properties they are Thermosetting plastics and Thermoplastics

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