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Because you feel this is the best decsion and you know that you will be happy and it will help your life in a good way and this needs to be your decsion not somebody elses. So don't do it because sombody asks you. Be sure you think ahead at what will happen in the future and that future will make you happy and if not don't do it.

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15y ago

Because you love them but dont have the money to support you.

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Q: Reasons to put kids up for adoption?
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Does Genevieve Goings have kids?

She has three, but put them all up for adoption

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ABSOLOUTELY NOT! Kate Gosselin loves her kids to death and would never put them in harms way or up for adoption!

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Did billy and honey put Janet up for adoption?

yes they did put jennet up for adoption

What causes women to put there kids up for adoption?

Most people put there child up for adoption because they cannot take care of them, and don't have a good home for them. Some people put there children up for adoption because they don't want them, which is a cruel thing to do but it is the right thing if your going to just neglect your child because you don't want them.

Can Orthodox Jews put their child up for adoption?

No. Orthodox Jews cannot put their children up for adoption.

Sims 3 how do you put your kid up for adoption?

You can not put your child up for adoption on the Sims 3. Though, that would be cool if you could!

Why is Haiti putting up tons of children for adoption?

There is probably numerous reasons why Haiti is doing this. One would be the fact that Haiti is very populated and most kids live on the street. It is most likely best for the kids

Can you put a teenager up for adoption?

There are many teen mothers willing to put their children up for adoption. Going to a good adoption agency is key. Most of the mothers are young unwed mothers.

Did Pocahontas have kids?

Yes, she had one boy named Thomas. and a girl named Katherine who got put up for adoption. she is still alive today because of how pocahontas put her in a coma

Why were kids put up for adoption in World War 2?

Children were also put up for adoption during Vietnam (as was I). There are trama's of war, that likely scare the parents themselves, even if they are still alive, and in my case, my parents did not trust themselves.

By religion is it ok for an Orthodox Jew to put their baby up for adoption?

By religion it is ok for an Orthodox Jew to put their baby up for adoption, but to Jewish adoptive parents.