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Q: Rewrite the BNF of Example 3.4 to add the and -- unary operators of Java?
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What are the eight java operator?

The different types of operators in Java are:Assignment OperatorsRelational OperatorsArithmetic OperatorsLogical Operators

What are operators in the Java programming language?

Take a look at the 1st link below from Sun Microsystems (creator of Java), it will list most of the Java operators with an explanation. The 2nd link provides a more in-depth description of each type of operator.

What is operator in java?

An operator is a symbol that does something in Java. for ex: "+" is an arithmetic operator that adds two numbers. ">" is a logical operator that checks if one number is greater than the other. There are many different types of operators in Java like Arithmetic, Logical, Relational and Assignment operators

Compare java arithmetic and logic operators with c arithmetic and logical operators?

They are very similar,but when we do logic operators there are still some differences.In c or c plus plus ,logic true can be expressed as'true' or '0',but in java,true is just 'true'.If you gave a zero,it will treat it as type of integer ,and so as false.

Java explain the main feature of java language?

You don't have to rewrite your code to get it working 2 or more OS' That cuts down development cost and time by a lot.

How-to to add to values in java core without using plus operator?

Though Java, unlike other languages, does not allow you to directly access the core, memory addresses and system variables, it does have binary operators, such as the shifters >>, <<, and the bitwise operators, |, &, ^. Using these operators, ALL calculations in the computer can be done, even your complicated trig functions. Though options are limited in Java, it does provide a simulated access to low level operations. The bitwise operators are in the link below. Look at the link below to see how the computer really does math.

Why java supports platform independence?

Why? Because that was one of Java's main design considerations. And the reason for that is because it allows running programs on different computers, without having to rewrite them.

What is the Java logical operators that has the highest order of preference?

"The following" doesn't make sense if you don't include a list. You can find a list of Java operators, including their precendence, at Or search for [java operator precedence] for additional places that explain this topic.

What are benefits of array in java?

array example in java

What is a 'post fix expression' in java programming?

Postfix expressions are expressions where the operator is at the end of the expression. These include the "++" (increment) and "--" (decrement) operators. Most Java expressions use in-fix notation (e.g. "a + b") but the increment and decrement operators can be postfix ("e.g. "a++" to increment variable a) or even prefix (e.g. "++a").

What are the different types of Operators available in java?

arithmatic operator +,-,*,/,% assigment oprator == logical operator &,|,^,&&,,! bitwise opertor &,|,^ left shift << right shift >> left shift zero fill << assignment operator +=,-=,*=,/=

What are the uses of logical operators in Java?

Logical Operators are those that are used for doing logical operations. There are a total of 6 logical operators (&, |, ^, !, &&, and ‖) Of the six logical operators listed above, three of them (&, |, and ^) can also be used as "bitwise" operators. There are two non-short-circuit logical operators. • & non-short-circuit AND • | non-short-circuit OR There are two short-circuit logical operators • && short-circuit AND • short-circuit OR