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Q: Rights duties and obligations of a canadian citizen?
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What are the obligations of a German citizen?

The obligations are actually the duties of a German citizen. Hope this was helpful!

What are the rights duties and obligations of a Japense person?

Meiji Constitution

What are the rights duties and obligations of spain?

I only no of 1 right, to protest under threat

What does citizenship in the community mean?

The Status of a citizen with its attendant rights, duties, and privilege's

How are the rights duties and obligations of american citizenship different from in other countries?

different countries have different laws. This means that these laws are also the basis of the rights and obligations of the people in that country. This is what differs between countries.

What rights do citizens of Mexico have?

heck if i know

What are the rights duties and obligations of a Japanese citizen?

Japanese, according to theconstitution only the obligations to care for their children and to work. That is all the Japanese are obligated to do by the constitution.I do not know the DUTIES of aJapanesecitizen ,but the rights include limited freedom of speech, writing,publications,and associations ,and freedom of religion as long as it does not interfere with thedutiesof a citizen ,which i do not know.They also have numerous laws about racism and sexism that even the U.S. does not have.

What is The meaning of chityzenship?

Citizenship means: the character of an individual viewed as a member of society; behavior in terms of the duties, obligations, and functions of a citizen

What are the rights duties and obligations of African citizens?

The Nigerian citizens have rights that are contained in the Bill of Rights. According to the Bill of Rights, the Nigerian citizens have a right to expression, speech, association and movement.

What is civis for Romans?

Civis is the Latin word for citizen. For Romans, the word incorporated all the honors, rights and duties of a Roman citizen.

Why do you need rights in a constitution?

A Constitution, is basically a contract between the State and the Citizen. This imposes certain duties upon the Citizen, in exchange for certain protections, it's these protections that form the basis of the Citizen's Rights, under the Constitution.

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What are the duties of an Italian citizen?