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Q: Sample of solicitation paper for dead person?
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Can anyone give you a sample thesis statement on Dead Poets Society?

Certainly! A sample thesis statement on Dead Poets Society could be: "In Dead Poets Society, the conflict between conformity and individuality is highlighted through the character of Mr. Keating, who inspires his students to embrace nonconformity and pursue their own passions despite societal expectations, ultimately leading to both liberation and tragic consequences."

Are there such things as mummies?

yes. the Egyptians wide the dead person by the thing like paper to preserve the dead person. that was call mummy ------------- nah they are just a figment of ur imagination...i'm sure egyptians would agree with this!

Is paper dead?


Is paper dead or alive?

Even though it is from trees paper is non living.

What is the life expectancy of a dead person?

None. If a person is dead they have no life because they are dead.

What is paper to people?

It's a dead tree.

Is paper non living?

It is yes, classified as dead. It exists in physical matter and doesn't breathe and has no life force. So paper is indeed dead. HOWEVER, paper is made of trees, and trees are living. But if you were to cut a tree, it would die. SO paper would be dead or alive, depending on how you see it.

Does paper have cells?

yea ====== yes there are dead cells in paper because it was part of a tree before

What are examples of Dead things?

dinosaurs, paper, and biscuits

Can you bring back the dead Sims on Sims- Life Stories?

You can bring bring them back to life butnot always. When the grimreaper come click on him plead for your love. Then y'all will play rock paper scissors. if you when that person will be saved but if you lose that person is dead. So that's a 50/100 Chance

Can a dead person communicate with the living through their dogs?

No. A dead person cannot communicate with a living person at all.

Why can you marry a dead person in France?

I know it is weird but yes.. You can get married to a dead person!