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In public schools, where there are many different types of people from many different religious backgrounds, school prayer would be inappropriate because there would be no way to cater to everyone's beliefs. However, in a private, religious school where students and parents decide where to send their children, then it is fine.

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Q: School prayer religions for or against?
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Is it legal to have school prayer?

No. Not in public school at least.

What historical argument against this school prayer was constitutional?

Prayer in public schools is unconstitutional because of separation of Church and state.

Should public school have prayer?

OpinionsSeparation of church and state. If you say yes, what prayers should be said? Hindu, Christian, Islam, Buddhist, Satanists, etc?Yes, because prayer is good for creation of a good, peaceful, tolerant, co-operating people in society. Children should grow up learning ethics .Prayer is talking to God. Each school should make its own prayer to be said in the assembly or in the class, addressing God as God, then it would be acceptable to people of all religions. Prayer should be said before every hour or period in the school. Also prayer shouldn't be mechanical. Ask children to pray with their whole heart.Public schools should allow porn. Everyone carries around loose change that says on it, 'In God we trust', but they cant pray. It makes no sense.No. If prayer is allowed, then all prayers of all religion should be said. There are thousands of different religions, gods & goddesses. If they do this, there won't be any more time for students to do what is there for them to do, study.Its not like they are going to pray all day 24/7. Just for their food and whatever they feel they need to pray for. I think they should be able to pray. Prayer is a good thing.No, because its church and state. For those who say yes, what if the people who don't believe in God are faced with school prayer?? Isn't that a little unfair??Also, people can pray in School, it just cant be mandated publicly.Students are allowed to pray in school. What the Supreme Court has held unconstitutional is school-sponsored prayer or religious activity in the public schools. Public schools are supported by taxes, which makes them agents of the government. The Constitution forbids the government from establishing religion as a protection against the creation of an official state religion like the England had at the time of the US Revolutionary War. It's important to respect people of all faiths or of no faith; their beliefs are as worthy of protection as anyone's. The Supreme Court found that school-led prayer and bible study violated students' freedom of religion because it forced some people to participate in activities against their own faith.You can pray in school. That right is protected under the First Amendment Free Exercise Clause. Just don't force other people to adopt your beliefs and practices.

Prayer in school violates what clause?

Private prayer in school is allowed under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Institutional prayer is forbidden under the same amendment--freedom of religion is to be respected, and there should be no governmental establishment of religion.

What amendment banned prayer from the school?

The First Amendment Establishment Clause has been used to ban organized prayer in public schools.

Related questions

Was Liberal People's against prayer in schools?

yes liberals are against prayer in school and conservatives are for it

What does official school prayer go against?

The establishment clause

What religions do not bow their head for prayer?

Most religions do not believe in prayer, in the Monotheist sense. Many religions substitute rites of sacrifice, or other rituals for prayer. Some religions also use magical rituals instead of prayer.

What religions are taught in schools?

Sorry, but no religions can be taught at school. It is "against the law" It is because some people have different religion's.

Is there a prayer that covers all religions?


Is prayer more important to Christians compared to other religions?

No because other religions have to do certain things before, during or after their prayer.

What are the statistics of violence before and after prayer was taken out of schools?

I have a debate on prayer in school. For or against. So I needed to know if possible, the statistics, about violence before and after prayer was taken out of school. Go Here: These graphs show different statistical information based on the affects from prayer being banned out of school.

What Religion are prayer beads from?

Prayer beads are found in Catholic,Buddist and Muslim religions.

What is one Christian prayer?

One Christian prayer that many religions use is found also in the Bible, it's the Our Father prayer.

Who initiated the process of taking out of school?

if you mean taking prayer out of school, i think that would be madalyn murray o'hair, but it should be noted that she didn't remove prayer from schools, she removed mandatory teacher or state lead prayer. which going against the constitution of the united state of america

How did the Buddhist's pray?

Prayer was not a part of early Buddhism. In some cultures, Buddhism is combined with other religions in which prayer plays a part, but it is not Buddhist prayer.

Did the founding fathers want to prevent prayer in schools?

Not exactly, they would want people to be able to pray in school, but this country was founded on religious freedom and they would want all religions to be able to pray in school.