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No, forcing them will make them more confused. They dont have the concept of communications yet and need to have help developing it on their own. Visual communications is how they learn best.

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Q: Should a 4 year old child be made to talk on the phone to a parent?
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In BC law according to Divorce Act agreement what if one parent wants to give a minor child support directly to child and the other parent doesn't?

Under the Divorce Act, child support payments are typically made to the other parent, not directly to the child. If one parent wants to give child support directly to the minor child, they should discuss this with the other parent and try to come to an agreement. If an agreement cannot be reached, the matter may need to be resolved through a court or through mediation.

How do i submit a form for back pay child support if im the child but grew up?

Most states do not allow a child to collect back support as an adult. Although the right to child support belongs to the child, support is payable to the custodial parent to assist in the care and upbringing of that child. If the custodial parent did not receive that support, then she (or he) made contributions that should have come from the other parent, and the right to collect the back support belongs to her.

How much does a parent spend a month on their teen's cell phone?

More than they should ! ANY kid wanting a mobile phone, should be made to work for it ! Otherwise they'll never appreciate the value of money - and what things cost !

What can your kids do when you are angry at them so you will not be angry any longer?

It depends on why a parent is angry, but an apology, a sincere one, usually helps. If a child has done something that they have been told not to or that they know they should not have, the best thing to do is for them not to do it in the first place. Kids should also keep in mind that a parent might not be angry at them, but something else. Unless a child knows they did something that made their parent angry, they might want to ask their parent why they are angry.

Can a child claim an inheritance if no will was made?

It is normal for a child to inherit from a parent. A minor will get a share of the estate in the probate process.

Is it okay for a parent to stay home and take care of a child while the other parent is out working a job?

it is okay for one parent to work a job and for the other to stay at home and take care of a child as long as it makes the child and the parent happy! and if the child is getting the care that is needed and there is being enough money made to support the family.

Who made you god or someone else?

There is only one person who can make you, and that is God. He made the Earth and everything else, even your ancestors!A:2If God made me then as my parent, he should provide for all my every need, if not then he is just as delinquent and incompetent as the average selfish human parent who was never there for his/her child.

Can a request be made for more child support if there is already a court order?

Petitions (lawsuits) can be filed to modify a current child support order either by the custodial parent or the obligated parent.

Should parents be criminally responsible for willful damage caused by Their children?

If the child is a minor then they are the responsibility of the parents and it is up to the parent to either deal with their child's problems by setting down rules of the house. If the child consistently gets into trouble then it is up to the parents to find a program or get their child to a child psychologist for help. If a parent has done all this and the child still gets into trouble with the police then it is out of the hands of the parents and Child Aid will have to cope with the problem. If the parent has made no attempt to curb their child's poor behavior and let them basically run loose as they wish then yes, the parents should be accountable for crimes of their children.

If an unborn child's mother and father agree on him not having any rights or responsibilities for the child and he wont be on the birth certificate is there paperwork to fill out?

This agreement should be done in court with both parents . this should be done in court written documentation. some time in the unforseen future the other parent can be sued for child support, the child has rights also, every child has a right to be supported by the other able bodied parent. any agreement made with two individuals should always be court documented. Even if he does not sign the birth certificate acknowledging himself as the paternal parent. there is still DNA that can link the individual as the absent parent. Times change and so do people and unfortunately so do friendships. This current day unwritten agreement of the father agreeing to release his rights and ties to this one day born child can proove to become a large problem, his word against her's if the cusdodial parent ( the parent that the child will reside with) decides to take the non - custodial parent for child support. no judge any where is going to accept " we had an agrrement" it will be one word against the other..... GET IT IN WRITTING!

Do you need the father's permission to take a child out of the country even though the father is in jail?

The advice is the same for either a mother or father traveling alone with a child. If you are traveling alone with your child you should be aware that concerns about parental abductions has made border officials more vigilant when they find a child traveling alone with one parent. You should be prepared to produce documentation such as a letter of authorization or travel consent signed by the other parent. In some countries you may not be asked for it. In others, you will be detained until your authorization can be reviewed by officials. The child may even be questioned about the other parent. You should also note that you may have trouble re-entering the country of origin. In the US a passport application requires the signatures, or a notarized permission letter, of both parents to take a minor child out of the country. You should consult an attorney to have the proper documentation prepared.

Why would a custodial parent drop child support?

Most often this occurs because they've been pressured by the non-custodial parent. A common tactic is for the non-custodial parent to threaten to take away custody if he or she has to pay child support. The custodial parent will then consent to not get child support to avoid a costly custody battle. This is why most states have made child support mandatory. A custodial parent can't decline or give up child support voluntarily in those states.