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If the two phrases are independent clauses, a semicolon would be appropriate regardless of whether either of the clauses contain commas within it.

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Q: Should a semicolon be used to separate two phrases if one of them contains commas at all not just in a list?
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What happens when you place a semicolon after a statement?

When a statement is followed by a semicolon, this means that there is going to be another statement following the first statement which is related to it closely enough that it should not become a separate sentence.

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Where would it be appropriate to put a semicolon?

A semicolon is used to indicate a moderate pause in a sentence. It's primary purpose is to join together two independent clauses. For example: "I like to eat hotdogs; they go well with ketchup." Both clauses before and after the semicolon can function independently in their own separate sentences, and so a semicolon is appropriate to use to join them together in this case. A semicolon should not be used in place of or alongside conjunctions, such as "but, or, and" etc.

When do you use a semicolon in algebra?

Well, according to what I learned when I was in Algebra I, you should never have to use a semicolon.

How do you do a semicolon in word documents?

It should be on the keyboard.....

Do you use and after a semicolon?

no, if you do you should have used a comma

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Compound sentences punctuated with a semicolon?

You can not punctuate a sentence with a semicolon.

How many spaces should follow a semicolon in a sentence?

There should be one space.

Introductory clauses should be set off with a semicolon?


Can two independent clauses be joined by using a semicolon between the clauses without a conjunction?

Yes, that is one of the most common uses of a semicolon. If there is a conjunction joining the clauses, however, you should use a comma instead of a semicolon.

Do you capitalize after using a semicolon?

No, you do not capitalize after using a semicolon unless it is the start of a new sentence or a proper noun. The word following the semicolon should be lowercase unless it meets the criteria for capitalization.