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R u dumb u shouldn't b a parent

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Q: Should a six year old see a physician if they have influenza A?
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He should consult his physician before taking any.

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Yess it is pretty huge and you should consult with a physician

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He's cheating on his drug tests. Actually, this is not a question we can answer for you here. You should consult a physician.

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Persons under the age of 18 should consult a physician about their ideal weight.

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That depends on the physician.

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Using a cough suppressant, such as Robitussin with dextromethorphan (DM), in combination with a steroid, such as prednisolone (Prelone) should occur only on the advice and prescription of a physician who has examined the 7-year-old.

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Persons under the age of 18 should contact a physician concearning their weight.

How much should a 13 year old girl weight and how tall should you be?

If you want to know ask a doctor of physician, because there is no exact weight it all depends on your height. The taller the more you should weigh the shorter the less

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This is a question that you should direct to the prescribing physician, but I would say the lowest dose available (30mg).

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No one should be taking Promethazine without a prescription, so you would need to ask your doctor or prescribing physician.

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Grippe is an old name for influenza, or what most call the flu.

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Yes. -Physician