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Of course, employers should treat gay couples and heterosexual couples the same way. If it's to the company's advantage to offer partner benefits to unmarried couples, it should offer those benefits to both heterosexual and gay couples.

In many jurisdictions, companies may be required to offer benefits to spouses of employees. If this is the case, they should offer the same benefits to married gay couples that they offer to married straight couples.

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Q: Should companies extend benefits to unmarried gay couples such as health insurance and what about cohabiting heterosexual couples?
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It is subjective and depends on individual preferences. Some may find two unmarried men and one unmarried woman more seductive in a heterosexual manner, while others may prefer two unmarried women and one unmarried man. Seductiveness is a personal interpretation and can vary from person to person.

Do same-sex couples cohabitating in Australia have the same rights as unmarried heterosexual couples?

Reportedly, yes. They do.

Do you have to be a dependent to be covered by your parents insurance?

As from my experience most health insurance companies will provide coverage for unmarried children under age of 19 who are primary's applicant dependents. A child will continue to be eligible until his/her 24th birthday when attends college or has a permanent or continuing mental or physical impairment.

Can you get auto insurance for unmarried couples?

Yes, you can. As part of an unmarried couple living at the same address, we are "co-insured." The rates beat what each of us was paying separately.

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It depends on the state and the insurance you have; in general, childbirth is covered on most women's policies, so be sure that she has insurance and that it covers childbirth.

Can an unmarried couple get auto insurance?

Yes, so long as they are living together. If they are a household, then the two can have a combined auto insurance policy. Check with your agent for the specifics from your insurance carrier.

Will your unmarried daughter's pregnancy be covered by your insurance?

The fact that the child is illegitimate is irrelevant. If she is under 18, then the insurance will cover it. If she is over 18, it depends on the company. -DJ Craig

Can an unmarried couple living together share the same car insurance policy with famers insurance?

Yes. Any member of the household would need to be listed on the policy.

What rights does a cohabiting partner of years have after the partner dies without a will?

Answer: When a person dies without a will and has a long term partner to whom he is not married, the partner is not an heir. Unmarried life partners MUST have good quality wills drafted to protect each other's interests in their possessions.

For an unmarried 25 year old is secondary insurance available to cover the 20 percent not covered by an employer's group policy?

Yes. It is called suplemental insurance .. your age and marital status are irrelevant.

Can an unmarried couple with children cancel auto insurance on the other?

Yes, they can cancel all insurance on each other that the other is paying for. This can only happen if the insurance policy was created with both people as either primary or secondary policy holders. A person cannot just call or contact an insurance company and cancel their insurance without being on the policy.