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It is a never good idea to keep crickets in cage with the animal overnight. Best is to feed the animal only the amount that it will consume at one feeding. Should any crickets be left over after 10-15 minutes time, will need to get them out and use them next feeding time cycle.

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Q: Should crickets be left in reptile cage overnight?
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What do you do if you have crickets in the house?

The problem will probably solve itself because the lizard will eat them. You should prevent small crickets to leave the cage by closing small openings in the cage, to prevent the crickets infesting your kitchen.

Can you keep ladybugs and crickets together or in the same cage?

you can't keep crickets in the same cage but ladybugs you can. if you don't want your crickets hoppin on your ladies. DONT PUT THEM TOGETHER No ,crickets cant live in the same cage cause they will mate and there will be something called a crick bug,or a lady crick.

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You should NOT have sand it it's cage. When the reptile eats it will get sand in it's mouth and maybe even kill it.

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no. but if there are far to many crickets in the cage it will hurt it.

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Reptile mites can come from the reptile its self if it is new or bad substrate that already has mite

Do you have to clean a pet reptile?

yes Clean the cage completely at least monthly

How do you care for a praying mantis?

You can keep it in a cage, just make sure it has air, also, you can buy crickets and stuff in pet stores (it's easier then catching them) just put the crickets in the cage, when it's reflexes are slow, it's hungry.

What to put in a toad's cage?

Put branches in there, and make sure the cage is moist. It is optional to fill the cage (shallow) with lukewarm water. If you decide not to fill the cage (shallow) with lukewarm water, then take a small dish and fill it with lukewarm water. Then put a small food dish inside for bugs/mealworms/crickets. (the crickets will usually hop out anyways, but mealworms and pellets won't!)

What will baby green anoles eat?

you should feed it crickets or you could ask on google....

How long can crickets live in water?

The crickets can live in a bag for almost 24 hours. Crickets holder or cage is a better option if you want them to live for a longer period.

What do I do I put crickets in for my snake and a cricket ate part of my snakes tail what do I do with the snake?

Leave it alone, the tail will heal. Crickets need to have food in the cage, even if they are the prey. So put a little carrot in the cage or something so it won't continue to eat your snake.

Do crickets bite?

Crickets actually do bite. They have two jaws that can pinch you. There is a wart biter cricket used for this action.