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If a friend were in your situation, what would you advise?

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Q: Should i leave my abusive partner?
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How do you move beyond being upset that your abusive boyfriend will cheat if you leave him?

If you leave him, then it doesn't matter what he does. It wouldn't be called cheating if you left him. If he is abusive, then you should leave him.

What should you do if you threw your abusive partner out of the house but you feel worse instead of better?

Of course you're going to feel guilt or remorse. That's because you have a history with this person and a conscious. But does not mean you should let your abusive partner move back in. It is unsafe for you and for him or her. The best thing for you to do is keep your abusive partner out of the house and slowly lose contact with him or her.

What to do when your partner blocks your path when you try to leave?

It depends if you have an argument or, your partner is abusive. If the two of you are trying to discuss something and your partner is not abusive it is just their way to get you to stay and possibly discuss the matter more and do not want you to leave. Still, it is wrong that your partner is trying to prevent you from leaving. Tell them to let you by and if they refuse tell them they have the choice of letting you get by or you're phoning the police. Explain to them you need time to cool off!

How do you leave your abusive partner hen you know he wont let you take the kids?

You leave when he's not around WITH them. or See an attorney immediately and get a court order for temporary custody.

If your partner cheats on you should you leave her?

I would.

Is your boyfriend abusive?

Many BFs, or boyfriends, are not abusive. If a boyfriend is abusive, the girl should leave the relationship and file charges. Do not keep going back to an abuser.

How do you stay with an abusive partner?

A better question to ask would be 'Why would you want to?' No one in their right mind would stay with an abusive partner on purpose, never mind help someone else do it, as you seem to be asking. If your partner is abusive to you, you need to seek help to leave, not stay. Any hospital, police station, or community service center could put you in contact with help in your area, all you need to do is ask.

Why does an abusive boyfriend get mad when you allow your ex-husband to get you upset?

Because he is abusive. Partner abuse is a treatable sickness, but not always curable. Staying with an abusive partner does not help them to become a better person.

Can a man from non-abusive upbringing become an abuser if with a partner who grew up in an abusive home with no therapy at all?

It is highly unlikely that man who does not have an abusive personality will become an abuser if their partner grew up in an abusive home and refuses help. Good men know they should never hit a woman which in some cases can lead to male abuse by a woman. The stress of being around an abusive person be it verbally or physical abuse is bound to have effects on the non abusive partner, but most men will only take so much and have the opportunity of leaving the relationship.

How do you help your friend leave an abusive partner?

bring in the police first,then if she doesn't leave,try spending more time with her as in,bring her to places that she can volunteer.when she learns how to give(love),she would know what to do next

Should you leave your boyfriend if you are not happy anymore but are still in love with him?

Well, it depends why you are not happy. If he is abusive then yes, you should leave him but if it's a couple of fights that can be resolved then no.