

Can out of date food make you ill?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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12y ago

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No, as long as molds haven't formed in the food that's past it's expiry date, then you won't be ill. Specially if the food has been kept in the freezer.

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14y ago

NO!!! No one should eat outdated food.

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What happened to food if expiry date pass?

There is a chance that it has gone of and can make you ill. However just about everything has a use by date on it that is way shorter then the real life of the product just to be on the safe side.

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No, it will make you ill.

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The main reason for disposing of out-of-date food would be for safety concerns. You wouldn't want someone to become ill due to spoilage or pathogen growth. The second concern would be quality issues. It does not make sense to use food that is inferior in nutrition or flavor.

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In case the factory printed the date wrong and you would be eating bad or gone off food-which could make you ill even give you food poisening. So don't forget to check!

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yes..but will PROBABLY be stale.

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Food should be preserved so that it doesn't get spoiled or rot. If it does get spoilt and we consume it, the bacteria in the rotten food can make us ill.

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with a hot bath, a good nights sleep, less junk food, a lay-in the next morning and good food

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Ask your date. If it's a blind date, Make/order something simple. Like pasta or salad or pizza

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No. However, the person would become very ill.

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Well it really depens on how long it was after the due-date if it was a week its o-k and if it was a month well it might not be to good to eat!