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yes they should

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Q: Should physicians discourage a 42 year old woman from having children because of an increased chance of a chromosomal abnormality?
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How did nativists respond to increased immigration frin Ireland and Germany?

In response to increased Immigration from Ireland and Germany, nativists pushed for laws to discourage immigration or deny political rights to immigrants.

How did nativist respond to increase immigration from Ireland and Germany?

In response to increased Immigration from Ireland and Germany, nativists pushed for laws to discourage immigration or deny political rights to immigrants.

How do differing numbers of chromosomes evolve without deleterious effects to individuals so that for instance Chimpanzees have 48 chromosomes yet humans have 46?

Chromosomal fusions and chromosomal duplication may lead to decreased or increased numbers of chromosomes with minimal loss of genes.

How can a chromosomal rearrangement cause an increase in the expression level of a gene?

The gene could be moved behind a stronger promoter, the gene could be duplicated, occasionally changes in the 3' and 5' UTRs can result in increased mRNA stability. Chromosomal rearrangement could also influence levels of enhancers and repressors.

What causes down syndrome to spread?

It is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. It is typically associated with physical growth delays, characteristic facial features, and mild to moderate intellectual disability.

What does Physicians do?

Physician is a word that could be used interchangeably with the word doctor. So technically, a physician is responsible for treating ill people. Based on medical specialties, physicians could be divided into a lot of categories. For example, physicians dealing with heart diseases are called cardiologist. Physicians dealing with brain issues are called Neurologists. Physicians maintain health records of patients to ensure increased patient safety and improve care quality. The primarily use electronic medical records (EMR) to do so.

What was a doctors salary in 1980?

A doctor's salary in 1980 was around $100 per year. Since then, their salaries have increased dramatically as there is demand for health care physicians.

How is hemolytic anemia diagnosed?

physicians will examine the blood for the number of young red blood cells, since the number of young cells is increased in hemolytic anemia.

What are the principles of mercantilism?

Principles of mercantilism are that the government must encourage exports that will bring in more gold or silver and discourage imports. Also, manufacturers should be the choice for exports because increased value from labor and monopoly will occur.

What causes the abnormality in chromosome numbers in people with down syndrome?

It is most commonly caused by increased maternal age.Add: It is the result of nondisjunction of the 21st chromosome pair, in which the pair fails to separate, so that one cell gets an extra copy of chromosome 21.

What serious side effects can result from pharmacological therapies for pain?

Serious side effects can also accompany pharmacological therapies; mood swings, confusion, bone thinning, cataract formation, increased blood pressure, and other problems may discourage or prevent use of some analgesics .

What is the Great White shark population of New England?

While the actual population of Great White Sharks in the waters off New England is unknown, the animal has existed in this area for a long time. Recently, Great White sightings have increased, especially around Cape Cod. These increased sightings are not necessarily indicative of an increased Great White population, but are more likely the result of an exploding seal population. Seals are a natural part of the diet of Great Whites. Therefore, sharks should expected in areas with dense seal populations. As such, experts strongly discourage swimming with or anywhere near seals.