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No.... the light hours should be 12-14 hrs a day

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Q: Should salt water coral have light 24 hours a day?
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Because it has coral sand under it which is very white and reflects a lot of light.

What happens to coral if you touch it?

It depends on where you are, but in general you should avoid touching coral as much as possible, as it damages the coral animal, and they can sting you.

Are coral reefs fresh water salt water or both?

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Is a coral reef part of a water habitat or is a water habitat?

A coral reef a water habitat, although the coral reef is alive it is only the very outside layer of coral that is living as all the under layers are dead coral.

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Do coral reefs seem to favor deeper or shallower waters?

Most coral reefs are in the more shallow water. Though there are some in the deep water also. It depends on the types of corals being grown how deep they will grow.

What are the pros for coral reefs?

They sustain the coral life in the water

Does coral carry Mercury?

Yes: Coral is porous and holds mercury if it is present in the water that the coral is in.

What is the exact temperature of coral?

Coral is at the same temperature as the water it is found in.

Why is the Great Barrier Reef where it is?

because it is where the coral was found at and it got its name there and that's where it stayed in of their animals. Coral needs light to grow & is found in shallow sea water. Because the Sea is shallow off the coast of Queensland & there is an abundance of sunshine coral is able to thrive. LOL:)

Is coral reef in warm water?

yes the coral reef is in warm water! if it was in hot water it would die same with cold water! -Tay