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I think you shouldn't be mad because maybe there just friends

Dont you have friends that are boys?

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Q: Should you get jealous that your best friend texts your boyfriend?
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Do you get jealous when your boyfriend has a VERYY close female best friend?

No, its perfectly normal for guys to connect with other girls than just their girl friend. unless he texts her and never lets you read those messages, or they talk about sex, because then he could be cheating, and you have every right to be jealous. if you are dating very seriously, you should be his number one priority, but its fine for her to be number two.

If your boyfriend texts your best friend like he was cheating and you find out a year later what do you do?

othing or just break up

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No, he shouldn't.

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If they flirt/ talk alot, you can check their emails/ texts, and if he is acting distant and uninterested towards you.

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What does it mean if your ex boyfriend asks your best friend for her friends number but never texts her?

sometimes it means that he just wants to get into your head. so don't let it get to you. if you are over should just move on, and if she is really your friend, she would have never gave him her number in the first place.

What should you do if your boyfriend never calls or texts you and you never see him?

Call him! This shouldn't be awkward, and if it is, then is he really good for you?

Should my boyfriend send nude texts to his ex?

I am from Ireland and accept my American boyfriend sending nude texts to his ex. We laugh at them. It is our inside joke. She does not realize that I know. I therefore let him play his little game since it is our game.

When a girl texts my boyfriend and it's my friend say she wants advice I feel upset is that wrong?

No, it is completely normal. It's called jealousy. I feel it too, even if the girl is my best friend or a really good friend.

How come my friend won't talk to her boyfriend?

Well the truth is if she doesn't talk to him or texts him etc. she probably does not like him as a crush. If she talks to other guys fine but doesn't talk to her boyfriend then she might be using him or does not like him.

What should you do if you have a boyfriend who does not call or visit but only texts you sometimes?

You dump him. Did you really need to ask? Have some self-respect, girl.

What does it mean when your guy best friend not boyfriend tells you that he has 2 gfand your the only girl in the class that he toldand he showed you love texts that they sent him?

you have a very trustworthy friend, he probably trusts u a lot, and only as friends. in my opinion