

Should you get three hamsters

Updated: 11/8/2022
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14y ago

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well it should say(should i get three hamsters). Yes it is ok if you get three hamsters they like other hamsters.well you should know their are two kinds that dont like other hamsters it is the tedy bear hamster and the golden hamster. if you get two males you should put them together at a young age same with females. but you should only put male and female together if you a ready for baby hamsters.well their you have it! good luck!:-)

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14y ago
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hamsters come from their mamma hamsters i should know i breed them

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well they should play with toys on the game

How old do baby hamsters have to be till you give them away?

it depends on the type of hamster you get. you should give baby hamsters away when they are two or three weeks depending n your type of hamster if it is a syran hamster you should give the babys away at two weeks other hamsters you can give it another week

When should you breed your hamsters?

a month after both hamsters' births

Are dwarf hamsters and Chinese hamsters the same?

A few years back I owned three Chinese Dwarf Hamsters, but there are different types of dwarf hamsters, e.g Russian Dwarf Hamsters. However, if you are thinking of getting dwarf hamsters, I don't recommend putting them in the same cage, as when I had my three, one of them ended up seriously injuring the other one.

Are hamsters meant to have yellow teeth?

Yes, hamsters should have yellow teeth.

What are some of the types of hamsters?

I can name three hamsters. There is the Russian hamster, the Dwarf hamster, and the Chinese hamster.

What age does hamsters die?

hamsters can only live for three years so they die when they are 3 years old

At what age do baby hamsters stop drinking milk?

Baby hamsters leave their mother at three weeks old.

After hamsters are born how old should they be before giving them away?

hamsters should be at least 5 weeks old, never earlier

Should there always be a bottle of clean water in the hamsters cage?

Yes, there should. A hamsters water needs changing every day.

Where can you get hamsters leads?

you shouldn't put hamsters on leads you should leave them in a cage or let them out in there ball.