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No, you should nurse them longer, I'd say around 9 weeks to 10 weeks. The baby bunnies must be mature enough to fend off predators and scavenge for food. That is for a wild bunny. If you have a household bunny, I would recommend giving them away to a neighbour or close friend, that way you can visit them often until they are fully adapted to their new surroundings.

A different answer: The babies may start to wean at 4 weeks, but it's best to leave them with the mother until about 8 weeks. Then, it's a good idea to keep them for at least another few weeks, socialising them and getting them ready for adoption.

When you give away or sell a rabbit, it's your responsibility to screen your customers and educate them about how to care for rabbits. You should prepare handouts with basic information, and a list of websites and organisations they can go to with more detailed questions. Many breeders recommend always charging money for your rabbits, because some people don't take things they get for free very seriously.

Pet rabbits are overpopulated. Animal shelters all over the world have pet rabbits looking for a home, and many of these rabbits will eventually be killed by the shelter because no one has adopted them. Consider spaying/neutering your rabbits instead of breeding them.

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Q: Should you give baby bunnies away at 7 weeks?
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When do you separate baby bunnies?

separate baby bunnies when there 8 weeks old

How long does the mother stay away from her baby bunnies?

how long can baby bunnies stay away from their mother?

At what age can I wean my baby bunnies?

At 4 to 6 weeks they should start to eat solid food and drink water.

Is it okay to give baby rabbits away at 3 weeks of age?

When they are bigger than a tennis ball you may give them away. No, at 3 weeks, baby rabbits aren't weaned yet and still need to be with their mother. If you separate them at 3 weeks it's unlikely the bunnies will survive. Before taking them away, you should at least wait until the babies are completely finished weaning, about 6-8 weeks. See the related questions below for info and links.

When will your baby bunnies start to go a little on their own?

about 3 weeks and onwards

Can you use shampoo on baby bunnies?

You should not shampoo any bunnies no matter how old they are.

When do bunnies get teeth?

Well i have 2 day old bunnies and they were born with thiers ;-) Baby bunnies are born with teeth.

Do baby bunnies teething?

Yes baby bunnies do teeth.

How old should you take baby rabbits away from their mum?

the baby rabbit should be at least 6 weeks old be four u take it from the mom

When do baby bunnies start to hop?

Mine are wild but they started at about 15-17 days

How old do baby hamsters have to be till you give them away?

it depends on the type of hamster you get. you should give baby hamsters away when they are two or three weeks depending n your type of hamster if it is a syran hamster you should give the babys away at two weeks other hamsters you can give it another week

What food should you feed Baby bunnies?

goat milk, it is easier to digest