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Rabbits only need baths if there is a medical reason (old age, paralyzed) they cannot clean themselves. Giving a rabbit a bath is stressful and unnecessary. They bunny could go into shock or get hypothermia. See the related question below for details and links.

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Q: Should you give your mini rex rabbit a bath?
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How do you give a mini rex a bath for fair?

You shouldn't give your rabbit a bath at all -- this is true for mini rexs and all pet rabbits. Baths are very stressful for rabbits and can lead to illness or injury. Healthy rabbits keep themselves clean, so if your rabbit is dirty, that means something is wrong: maybe it's sick, or maybe its cage is too small or you aren't cleaning it enough. You should bring the rabbit to a vet to find out what the problem is. See the related question below for more details. If your rabbit is sick, you shouldn't bring it to the fair because you'll make all the other rabbits sick, and anyway the judges will certainly notice and you won't win anything. If your rabbit is white and it's feet are just a little dirty, you can try a spot bath with a wet cloth, but don't give the rabbit a full bath.

What color mini Rex rabbit should you get?

Whichever one strikes your fancy.

What is the temperature mini-rex rabbit?

All pet rabbit breeds, including the Mini Rex, should have the same internal temperature. A rabbit's rectal temperature should be between 99-104F (37.2-40C). If the rabbit's temperature is higher or lower than this, immediate veterinary care is necessary. See the related question below for more info and helpful links.

How often can you give your mini schnauzer a bath?

At least 3 times a month if needed.

What is the difference between a mini and a dwarf lop?

A mini lop rabbit is smaller than a dwarf lop rabbit.

Does a mini rex rabbit bathe?

Mini Rex rabbits, like all pet rabbits, bathe themselves by licking their fur. If your rabbit is dirty and needs a bath, something is wrong! See the related question below for more details (it applies to all pet rabbits, including Mini Rex rabbits).

Is the mini Rex smaller than the dwarf rabbit?

No, Mini Rex Rabbits are almost twice the size of a Netherland Dwarf Rabbit.

What age does a mini Rex rabbit reproduce?

A mini rex rabbit can have 2-12 kits in a single litter.

When does a mini lop rabbit reach full size?

A mini lop rabbit will probably reach its full size between 6 to 8 months

What if you bred a mini lop and a Californian?

You can breed any rabbit if it is a rabbit and it is the right age to breed.

What is a Mini lop?

The Mini Lop is, in fact, classified a "small" rabbit. In the United States, the average rabbit breed weight is 9 pounds. Mini Lops maximum show weight is 6.5 pounds. To give you another example, the various Dwarf breeds max out at 4 pounds. The largest breed maxes out around 18-22 pounds, but does not technically have a maximum weight limit. (That is the Flemish Giant) A mini lop is a type of rabbit. They have shotish floppy ears and are not MINI! they are a medium size bunny. they get their name frome their "mini" ears.

Can you shoot 22 mini-mag ammo in a 22 lr?

The mini-mag should still be .22 LR.