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It would be nice, but the school would have to have money to hire extra teachers to have those periods.

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10y ago
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10y ago

i think they should because what if u need to get cought up on homework or projects nd stuff
yes they should have time 2 do homework nd stuff

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Q: Should middle school have a free period?
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Should kids have a free period?

Yes i think they should

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No sweetie. Recess in high school is called free period where you get to hang out :)

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yes. because the pupils dont have a free life to do what they like

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No.... That's disgusting..... No one needs condoms in middle school...... its high school where there's condoms...

Should there be a free period at school to finish homework?

It would probably be a good idea, but the schools would have to have money to hire extra teachers so they could do it.

Do kids have a free period in there classes in school?

only some schools have some