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Credit cards most likely have the highest interest rate, so pay them off first. However, keep making your regularly scheduled car payments. If you have a low interest car loan, the next step after paying down the credit cards is to start a savings account so that you have more flexibility when the unexpected happens.
Your credit card probably has the higher interest rate attached, so pay that off first and you will save all that interest, a greater savings than your car loan rate.

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Q: Should you pay off credit cards or auto loans first?
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Where can one adverse credit loans?

One of the first places to adverse credit loans would be by credit cards. Those are unsecured debts and will provide an adverse credit history if you avoid paying bills.

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No, credit cards are loans and debit cards are checks.

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Services are offered by the Western Federal Credit Union. You can get vehicle loans, home loans, and personal loans. They also can get credit cards and specialty loans.

What does a repo man do?

A repo man is the person who takes back the merchandise you got via loans or credit-cards when you can no longer pay back said loans or credit-cards.

How can you stabish credit?

There are three different types of credit that all contribute to your credit score and determine whether you have good or bad credit. I know that credit cards such as visa, mastercard, and American express make up the first type of credit and then car loans, business loans and other loans make up the second type of credit. I'm not sure what the third type is. You gain credit by having a credit card and using it and/or taking out loans. Good or bad credit is determined by the payments on your credit cards and/or loans. Making the minimum payment at least, on time will lead to good credit. Not paying will lead to bad.

Can a bank see if you have other loans with other banks?

Of course, they look at your credit rating and it will list all of your loans and credit cards.

Does HSBC Banking offer credit cards?

Yes, HSBC Banking offers credit cards to their members with a low fixed APR. They also offer many types of loans including home, school, and credit loans

Does it help your credit to have credit cards from department stores?

One of the factors that makes up your credit score is credit diversification. This means having a variety of different types of credit. Four different types you can have is mortgage loans, car loans, credit cards, and department store cards. So having a department store card that reports to the credit bureaus will help your credit.

Does a business credit card affect credit score?

All loans and credit cards have an affect on your credit score. Failure to use your credit cards responsibly will reduce your credit score and increase your interest costs.

Should you shop for financial credit?

One should always shop around for any type of credit product. Products such as credit cards, personal loans, mortgages and auto loans are all provided by a variety of vendors, so one should look for the best deal based on what is important to them. For example, if having a credit card pay you back is the most important thing for you, you should look at all of the reward cards and select the one that best matches your purchase pattern.

What are the types of consumer credit?

There are two major types of consumer credit, loans and credit cards. There are various types of loans, like student loans, payday loans, and personal loans. As for credit cards, a card can either be secured (security deposit is needed, and is usually equal to the credit limit you desire) or unsecured (no security deposit). In addition to standard loans and plastic, banks also can issue lines of credit. You can borrow up to a certain amount of money like a credit card, but the bank gives you the purchasing power in cash and not in a piece of plastic.