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There is no need to remove them. The fish is building his nest and is ready to breed he will only make more.

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Q: Should you remove the bobbles from your male betta tank?
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Should you remove the bobbles from your male betta fish tank?

That is what male Bettas do. He will only build another one if you remove that so why bother?

Can you remove your betta male as soon as the fry start hatching?

Once they are free swimming remove the male.

What is the longest a female betta should stay in with a male betta?

it depends i have a male with a female betta, in a 2.5 gallon tank,they get along, i wouldnt risk it, no

Will a male betta fight with a goldfish?

You should not put a male betta with goldfish's.They are aggressive and will fight with goldfish's goldfish give off ammonia and will kill the Betta's.

If you cannot put a male and female betta together how do you get baby bettas?

you can put a male and female betta together but you must watch them closely, if they fight remove one of them right away! remember to remove them after they have mated

Will the betta eggs die if the male betta finds them?

Actually, with bettas it's the male that cared for the bubble nest rather than the female. You should leave the male with the nest and separate the female.

Can you keep a male betta with a female betta for a long period of time with other fish?

No, you should never keep a male and female betta fish together for long time periods. They should only be put in the same tank for breeding purposes and then separated after.

When do you put a female betta with a male betta?

If the female is chubby around the tummy area you could add her but be prepared to remove her if the male gets too boisterous. If he starts building a nest then you know you are in with a chance.

What should you name your beautiful male Betta fish?

Fighty McSwimmypants

Should the male betta be removed after breeding the female?

It is not normal for a female Betta splendens to die after spawning. In the wild the female would swim away and leave the male to look after the nest and its contents. When bred in a small aquarium that is not possible so the female should be removed before the male kills her.

Can one girl betta and one boy betta be put in the same one gallon tank?

The male will kill the female after he spawns her. If she won't spawn he will still kill her. No male Betta will allow another Betta (male or female) to live in its vicinity. So the answer is NO.

Can you put a male betta with another male betta?

This is the LAST thing you want to do! Putting a male betta fish in with another male is horrible because male bettas will fight to the death...not good!