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They both are a type of democracy.

The people also elect their government leaders

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Q: Similarities between parliamentary and presidential democracies?
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What is a likeness between representative and parliamentary democracies?

Parliamentary democracies are representative.

What are some of the similarities and differences between a parliamentary and presidential democracy?

A: They both are a type of democracy. The people also elect their government leaders, and a presidential democracy is ruled by a president and a parliamentary democracy is ruled by a prime minister. -BrockChloe

What is the difference between a parliamentary and presidential system and 1 example?

Parliamentary is the British political system. Presidential is the American political system.

What is the difference between presidential system and a parliamentary system?

In parliamentary system the Prime Minister is the real head but in Presidential form of government the President is the real head.

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The similarities between the US and Europe is that they have first world economies and have mature democracies.

What classification of government distinguishes between presidential and parliamentary government?

classification by how power is distributed

What classification of government distinguishes between presidential parliamentary government?

classification by how power is distributed

What's the difference between parliamentary and presidential democracy?

a presidential democracy is ruled by a president and a parlimentary democracy is ruled by a prime minister

What is the difference between a presidential and a parliamentary democracy?

They both have different rights to be elected and have the right to vote.

What is true regarding the difference between a parliamentary government and a presidential government?

In a presidential government, the president is both chief executive and head of state.

Which statement best describes a difference between presidential and parliamentary democracies?

Apex The members of the legislative branch are directly elected by the people

Similarities and differences between Canada and Mexico government?

Mexico is a federal presidential republic of 31 independent states and one federal district while Canada is a parliamentary democracy with 10 provinces and 3 territories. See related questions.