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An uneven distribution of wealth

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Q: Socialism began as an attempt to correct which disadvantage of capitalism?
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What mostly privately-owned economy falls between laissez-faire capitalism and a mixed system?

i think its socialism> XO<---------WRONG!!!!! Monopoly Capitalism <------- Correct :)

Define Socialism What does it seek to correct?

socialism means "a political theory advocating state owner ship of industry" Another definition is "An political system based on state ownership of capital still trying to find what it seeks to correct

How do you spell tryed?

That is the correct spelling of "try" (to attempt, or an attempt).

What is the difference between pure capitalism and modified capitalism?

Free-market capitalism is based on free markets, private ownership of the means of production, and limited regulations and some government provided goods and services. Mixed capitalism has more heavily regulated markets, mainly private ownership of the means of production but also features a greater role for state-owned enterprises, and usually has economic intervention in markets to correct market failures. Both are similar in that they are both based on the process of capital accumulation, both systems attempt to maximize private profits, and both are mainly privately-owned.

What is the disadvantage of a republican government?

Incompetent people decide for you and it is not always the correct decision.

What is the correct meaning of research?

The correct meaning for research is "an attempt to find out in a systematically and scientific manner"

What is the prefix and suffix for the word disadvantage?

You just spelt it. That's correct =DD-i-s-a-d-v-a-n-t-a-g-e- === disadvantage

How did Charles fourier and Henri saint-Simon try to correct the ills of the industrialization?

a new economic system called socialism.

How did Charles Fourier and Henri de Saint Simon correct the ills of industrialization?

a new economic system called socialism.

The attempt to follow the correct channels to have a grievance heard is what?

right to petition.

How did Karl marx and friedrich engles try to correct the ills of industrialization?

Marx and Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto where they outlined the aims of a communist state: the end of capitalist exploitation of the workers by the middle classes, the end of nationalism - as all workers share a similar culture and nationalism is a capitalist construct and the end of exploitation by the ruling class

How did Charles Fourier try to correct the ills of industrialization?

One way Charles Fourier tried to correct the ills of industrialization was by advocating for socialism. He wanted the factors of production to be owned by the citizens.