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To solve this equation, you must first put the equation in terms of cosx.


cosx = 2/3

Next, you find the reference angle (α) by finding the cos inverse of 2/3.

α=cos-1(2/3) = 48.19 Degrees (approximately)

find the distance from from 48.19 and 90 you then add the difference to 270 giving you the two answers which are ... 48.19 and 311.81 (approximately)

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Q: Solve the equation 3cosx equals 2 for 0dgrees x 360degrees?
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= cos(x)-(cos3(x))/3 * * * * * Right numbers, wrong sign! Int(sin3x)dx = Int(sin2x*sinx)dx = Int[(1-cos2x)*sinx]dx = Int(sinx)dx + Int[-cos2x*sinx]dx Int(sinx)dx = -cosx . . . . . (I) Int[-cos2x*sinx]dx Let u = cosx, the du = -sinxdx so Int(u2)du = u3/3 = 1/3*cos3x . . . . (II) So Int(sin3x)dx = 1/3*cos3x - cosx + C Alternatively, using the multiple angle identities, you can show that sin3x = 1/4*[3sinx - sin3x] which gives Int(sin3x)dx = 1/4*{1/3*cos(3x) - 3cosx} + C

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given the identity sin(x+y)=sinx cosy + siny cosxsin2x = 2 sinx cosx andsin(2(x)+x) = sin 2x cos x + sinx cos 2xusing the last two identities givessin3x= 2 sinx cosx cosx + sinx cos2xfactoring the sinx we havesin3x = sinx(2cosx cosx+cos2x)which satisfies the requirement.However, we can simplify further since cos 2x = cosx cosx - sinx sinx (a well known identity)sin3x = sinx (2cosx cosx +cosx cosx - sinx sinx)so sin3x= sinx(3cosx cosx - sinx sinx)or sin 3x = 3.cos²x.sinx - sin³x* * * * *Good, but not good enough. The answer was required in terms of sin, not a mixture of sinx and cosx. Easily recitified, though, since cos²x = 1 - sin²xTherefore sin3x = 3*(1-sin²x)*sinx - sin³x= 3sinx - 3sin³x - sin³x= 3sinx - 4sin³x

Is burnt wood a chemical change?

it is a chemical changeYes. Wood is composed of a number of complex chemical compounds, and cellulose is a principle one. Much of the material in wood is reduced to carbon dioxide and water, but there are a considerable number of combustion byproducts and also many products of incomplete combustion. But through burning, wood undergoes a chemical change to become ash and all the stuff that is carried away in the smoke stream. Heat, of course, is a byproduct. when the ashes are formed they can not be formed into a log or peice of woodYes, burning wood is a chemical change. - A.GibbsYes; the fire (combustion) is using oxygen in the air to release heat energy and carbon atoms in the wood. Wood is mostly made up of a gas called cellulose and the burning allows oxygen molecules to mix with the cellulose. This exerts various gases and the heating will obviously convert the wood to ash and scoot.its chemical changeYes, wood undergoes a chemical change when it is burned. For the most part it is a redox reaction.Yes