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This is generally referred to as "voting a party ticket" where a voter simply checks each person affiliated with the party he or she is allied with and votes for them regardless of their merits.

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What is a ballot?

A balloter is a person who votes by ballot.

When a person votes in an election using a ballot obtained from his county election officer either in person beforehand or by mail it is called what?

When a person votes in an election using a ballot obtained from his county election officer either in person beforehand or by mail what is it called voting by absentee ballot.

When a voter is absent from his or her home district on election day and votes by special ballot its called?

absentee voting.

What is a document listing the alternatives tha is used in voting?

A document that lists the alternatives used in voting is typically referred to as a ballot. It is a piece of paper or electronic document on which voters can mark their preferred choice among the options presented. The purpose of the ballot is to record and count the votes accurately.

What voting device was Australia famous for creating?

Australia is credited with creating the secret ballot box, a sealed box into which voters placed their ballot, and which was later emptied for the votes to be counted.

Which party standes for the donky?

The one that manages to get first place on the ballot tends to get votes from people that just mark the ballot without caring what they vote for. It is one of the problems with compulsory voting.

When a person votes in an election using a ballot obtained from his county election officer either in person beforehand or by mail it is called .?

absentee voting

What is a ballot paper?

A ballot paper is a physical or electronic document on which voters mark their choice in an election. It lists the candidates or options that voters can choose from, and is used to collect and tabulate the votes cast during an election.

What is it called when votes of individual voters?

The individual vote is called a ballot. When a person votes it is called casting a ballot.

How are the ballots cast in voting for a pope?

The ballots are hand written by the elector who then folds the ballot and takes it forward to present to those in charge of counting all votes.

Why don't they let rachel from glee participate at sectionals?

Because she messed up the voting ballot's put a whole bunch of votes that had Kurt name on it to help him win!!!:)

The phenomenon in which fewer votes are cast for offices farther down the ballot is called?

When fewer votes are cast farther down a ballot it is known as ballot fatigue. This happens mainly when the ballots are complex, and the higher-ranking offices are located at the top of the ballot.