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The scalawags(or Southern Republicans who supported the North) gained political office during Reconstruction and also, so did the Carpetbaggers(Noerthern Republicans who moved to the South and got elected to public office).

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Q: How did southern whites regain political power after reconstruction?
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Why did the southern governments believe they were justified in passing black codes?

As the Reconstruction era passed, Southern whites became back in control of the old South. They passed all types of "laws" designed to prevent Blacks form voting. This enabled whites to regain the political power they lost right after the US Civil War.

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What label was given to southern whites who supported the reconstruction plan?

carpet baggers

What was the name given to Southern whites who supported the Republican policy throughout Reconstruction?

Some Southern whites saw an advantage in supporting the Republicans and the Reconstruction. They were referred to as scalawags.

What does Reconstruction mean to the Southern whites?

When them damned yanks came down and rubbed it in our faces.

Whose plan for post-Civil War Reconstruction was the best for Southern whites?

Ulysses S. Grant had the best reconstruction plan for the southern white people. The reconstruction era took place from 1865 to 1877.

At the end of the reconstruction southern whites disenfranchised African Americans with?

Literacy RequirementsPoll TaxesEconomic IntimidationGrandfather Clauses

What outcome of reconstruction most appealed to both southern blacks and whites?

the introduction of a tax-supported school system

How did southern whites resist the reconstruction governments?

This question has not been answered yet. Please wait until it is answered. Thank you.

What outcome of reconstruction most likely appeal to both Southern blacks and whites?

the introduction of a tax-supported school system

Which outcome of reconstruction most likely appealed to both southern blacks and whites?

the introduction of a tax-supported school system

What did southern whites use to disenfranchise African American during reconstruction?

Poll taxes and literacy tests