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Q: Sport where no one knows who the leader is until it is over?
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Sport that no one knows score until over?


What sport does the spectators nor the participants not know the score or leader until the contest is over?

boxing i think

What is the name of the sport that does not have a leader until it is over?

Election. Activities might include mudslinging, baby-kissing, door-knocking, shouting matches etc.

In which sport do neither the spectators nor the participants know the score or the leader till the game is over?

Boxing, The punch count isn't tallied until the end.

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if you get drunk over and over again, you may have to quit your sport until you get sober again

What sport does the spectator nor the participants know the winner or score until over?

This is boxing. The scores and winner is not revealed until the end of the match.

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Knowing DX who knows they will never be completely gone until HBK retires.

What game does no one know the score until the game is over?

The only SPORT that I know of is Boxing, But Boxing is not a game.

Sports when nobody knows the score until it is over?

boxing shubey doo op

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bowling if you go to this sport its all over

Who is the most best sport player?

no one knows for sure. everyone has their own opinion. Although i think you need to take English over again because you do not know how to make a complete sentence

How do you show your dog that you are the leader?

A good sign that a dog knows who is boss is when they roll over on their back when you pet them. Also I believe in dog language if you look up it suposedly shows superiority. I think...