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Largest possible number: 9 2 1 Smallest possible number: 1 2 9

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Q: Stacy is going to use 12 base-ten blocks to model the largest possible number less than 999 Then she will use another 12 blocks to model the smallest possible number less than 999 What are the numbers?
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Largest = 86, Smallest 26

How you calculate the range?

If possible, find the largest and smallest possible values of the variable under study. Then the range = Largest Value minus Smallest Value.

Shoshanna is going to use 12 base-ten blocks to model the largest possible number less than 999Then she will use another 12 blocks to model the smallest possible number less then 999 What are the two?

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To give the particular number the largest possible value, arrange the digits in the order of their individual value, beginning with the largest one on the left and smallest on the right. To give the particular number its smallest possible value, arrange the digits in the order of their individual value, beginning with the smallest one on the left and largest on the right.

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The smallest perimeter is 4*sqrt(24) = approx 19.6 cm There is no largest perimeter.

What is another name for ascending order of numbers?

largest to smallest

What is the largest and smallest perimeter possible for a rectangle with a area of 100?

The smallest is just over 40 units. At 40 units it is no longer a rectangle but a square. There is no largest perimeter.

How do you write program to read a set of real numbers and find the range is given by the difference between largest and smallest number?

Use the following algorithm (written in pseudocode). Let largest be the lowest possible real number. Let smallest be the greatest possible real number. Repeat while there is input... { Read real number r from input. If r is greater than largest then let largest be r. If r is less than smallest then let smallest be r. } End repeat. Let range be largest minus smallest. Output range.

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