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First, you can't just stop taking Zoloft--if you've taken it for more than a month or so, you'll have to slowly decrease your dose until it is 10mg or so and then stop (this should take several weeks.) Then you're ready to start Lexapro (no cool off period in between is necessary.) Note: I am not a physician but I know that if your doctor recommended changing from Zoloft to Lexapro s/he would have already gone over this--be careful--Zoloft has a profound effect on your brain chemistry, make sure your doctor is in agreement on this. Note: I've taken Zoloft (Sertraline) and Wellbutrin in different strengths for over 6 years, these are serious drugs.

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I am actually taking 25 mg of zoloft while still taking 5 mg of Lexapro...I am weaning off lexapro and getting the zoloft in my system so I don't have panic attacks while waiting for the zoloft to work.

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Do you have to wean off Zoloft to start taking lexapro?

No, they are similar enough. You should have no trouble taking zoloft your last day and starting lexapro the next. Side effects you can look for would be nausea, headache, and upset stomach. You might also have a little trouble sleeping for the first few days as your body adjusts to the switch.

Can you take Panadol and Zoloft?

As far as I understand, yes you can. You cannot take clotting medications or MAOI's whilst taking Zoloft. "Do not take Zoloft together with pimozide (Orap), or a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) such as isocarboxazid (Marplan), phenelzine (Nardil), rasagiline (Azilect), selegiline (Eldepryl, Emsam), or tranylcypromine (Parnate). You must wait at least 14 days after stopping an MAOI before you can take Zoloft. After you stop taking Zoloft, you must wait at least 14 days before you start taking an MAOI."** **

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I attempted to stop taking Lexapro a few months ago, after 6 days of the withdrawal symptoms I went right back on it. The symptoms stopped by the 2nd day and I felt like myself again. Lexapro works wonders with depression but wreaks havoc with it's discontinuation syndrom!

Is it safe to quit Lexapro for a day?

Yes, it's okay to stop them for one or two days, then go back on them. I was told this by my Dr. and I could do this every week or two.

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No, I don't even know what lexapro is

Is a constant car-sick feeling a withdrawal symptom for Lexapro?

Yes, I stopped taking Lexapro 6 days ago and I started feeling that way about 3 days later and it hasn't gotten better yet.

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Sometimes SSRIs like Lexapro and benzodiazepines like Klonopin need to be adjusted, or you need to just find a different medication that doesn't cause bad side effects. For example, to replace the Lexapro, there are drugs such as Prozac and Zoloft, and to replace the Klonopin (if you think that is causing you more side effects) there are drugs such as Ativan and Xanax. Good luck!

Could you start the same pill after a few days of stop going on it?


Will you experience withdrawal after taking lexapro for only four days?

Taking Leprexo takes a week or more to have any effect.It takes a buikd up to start working to help you. It would not likely have and effect good or bad in 4 days,

You stopped taking Effexor xr 4 days ago how long do withdrawal symptoms last?

how long does the effexor withdrawl symptoms disappear after you stop taking it, i am taking zoloft now but i am having effexor symptoms

When you stop your period how long until you start again?

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Is it unsafe or just uncomfortable to stop taking Lexapro?

Lexapro is an antidepressant used to treat Bipolar, and Major depression disorders. This is one of many medication that can take at least 30 days of taking the medication for it to be able to take full effect. But, yes if you have been on Lexapro for longer than 3 weeks then it could be unsafe. Depending on what the medication is used for the reactions could cause the disorder to become worse than before the medication.