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A conductor is a substance that allows heat or electricity to pass through. A few examples of conductors are:

  • Water
  • Metal
  • Air (although not a good conductor is still a conductor)
  • graphite
  • Salts and solutions of salts
  • Plasma (ionized gas)
  • Vacuum that contains free electrons or ions
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A conductor.

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Conductor of heat

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Q: What is a substance that allows heat or electricity to pass through?
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What is a substance that allows electricity and heat to pass through?


What is the substance that allows heat and electiricety to pass throgh?

conductor of heat and electricity

What allows electricity or heat to pass through it?


What is a science conductor?

A conductor is an object (usually a solid) that allows heat or electricity to pass through it easily by the process of conduction, which is a method of heat/electricity transfer in which heat/electricity travels through a solid material without actually causing movement of the medium. Copper, aluminium, and pretty much all metals are good conductors. Water is a conductor of electricity but an insulator of heat. An insulator is the opposite of a conductor, and absorbs heat/electricity rather than channeling it. Plastic is an insulator of both heat and electricity. Wood, styrofoam and vacuum (dead air, like in space) are also heat insulators.

What do you call something that allows heat or electricity to pass through it?

A material that allows heat or electricity to pass through it is called a conductor. The opposite of that is called an insulator. For electricity, the wire inside is the conductor, while the plastic on the outside is an insulator.

What r facts about conduction?

well it transfers heat or electricity through a substance

What is the difference between conductor and heat?

heat is thermal energy. A conductor allows heat or electricity to pass through it.

What is the difference between an insulator and a good conductor of heat?

Insulator is a substance that does not allow heat to pass through it example air. conductor is a substance that allows heat to pass through it example metal.

Material that allows electricity to pass through it easily?

Metallic conductors such as copper, aluminum, silver and gold are some examples of materials through which heat and electricity can easily flow.

Which substance are usually good conductors of heat and electricity?

Metals are usually good conductors of heat and electricity.

What material allows heat or electricity to pass through it easily Give two examples.?

metal and metal and plastic

Is a book a conductor?

No, a book is not a conductor. A conductor is a material that allows electricity or heat to flow through it easily, while a book is made of paper or other materials that do not conduct electricity or heat well.