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Q: Supporters of slavery pointed to this ancient greek state to help justify its existence in the US?
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What is a slender pointed shaft of stone in ancient Egypt?


How do Andrew Jackson ideas reflect the interests of his supporters?

Supporters portrayed Jackson as a common man. They were initially known as the Democratic-Republicans, but later simplified to the Democratic Party. They accused Adam's administration of corruption and pointed out how he was out of touch with the common man.

Did kush people influence the pyramids?

Yes! Three times as many as ancient Egypt - but the pyramids in ancient Kush were not as tall, are steeper and have flat tops rather than pointed

What did the ancient Greece children write with in school?

The Ancient Greeks used a slab of wood covered in wax and wrote on it with a pointed wooden or metal sick which was called a stylus.

What do you call a ancient jar with handles?

Ancient jars with handles are commonly referred to as amphorae. These vessels were used in ancient times to store and transport various goods such as wine, oil, and grains. They typically have a narrow neck, two handles, and a pointed base.

Is the the word pointed an adjective?

pointed can be both a verb and adjective. Verb: 'He pointed his finger at her.'Adjective: The pointed rock looked funny.

What has a pointed nose?

Many birds have pointed noses that are called beaks. An anteater also has a pointed nose.

Who is the Egyptians god of peace?

There is not a ancient Egyptian deity of peace, there are of course, gods and goddesses whose aspects embrace elements of peace, but none that can be pointed out as a god or goddess of peace.

What is a Pointed top?

A Pointed Hilltop is called A Peak.

What does a pointed foot look like?

a foot pointed

Why did the Pythagorean brotherhood use a 5 pointed star as their symbol?

Since the five-pointed star and the six-pointed star hold significance in sacred geometry, I would believe it refers to the divine mathematical points of a human being's body;head, hands and feet. The five points are symbolized with a star. These points are also very important to any of the ancient adepts of esoteric knowledge, since our head, hands and feet also are the pathway gates of bioelectric, energetic currents. The six-pointed star refers to the merkaba or star tetrahedron, the human lightbody.Read "Isis Unveiled" By H.P. Blavatski and "The Ancient Secret of the Flower Of Life" By Drunvalo Melchezidek for more information on esoteric studies and sacred geometry.

When was Pointed Sticks created?

Pointed Sticks was created in 1978.