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Q: Suppose you're looking through a microscope and you see an exchange of chromosomes segments between chromosome pair 7 and chromosome pair 15 this condition is an example of?
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Through a microscope you see an exchange of chromosome segments between chromosome pair 7 and chromosome pair 15 This condition is an example?


Suppose your looking through a microscope and you see an exchange of chromosome segments between chromosome pair 7 and chromosome pair 15?

An exchange of chromosome segments is called a translocation. In genetics, it refers to a chromosome abnormality caused by rearrangement of parts between nonhomologous chromosomes.

Suppose you're looking through a microscope and you see an exchange of chromosome segments between chromosome pair 7 and chromosome pair 15 this condition is an example of?

the answer is TRANSLOCATION.

Suppose you're looking through a microscope and you see and exchange of chromosome segments between chromosome pair 7 and chromosome pair 15 This condition is an example of?

It's a translocation, specifically a balanced translocation.

Suppose you're looking through a microscope and you see an exchange of chromosome segments between chromosome pair 7 and chromosome pair 15 this conditions is an example of?

cross over

What are the differences between translocation and inversion mutations?

Translocation is when nonhomologous chromosomes exchange segments, like when chromosome 1 exchanges parts with chromosome 5. Inversion is when broken segments of the chromosome is inserted backwards.

Which part of chromosome exchange during meiosis centromere or telomere?

During meiosis, chromosome exchange occurs at the chiasmata, which are points of crossing over between non-sister chromatids. The exchange involves the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes, not specifically at the centromere or telomere regions.

What is the exchange of a corresponding segment between homologous chromosomes?

It would appear you are speaking of crossing over which takes place in Prophase I of meiosis.

During crossing-over what happens to portions of chromatids?

breaks off and attach to adjacent chromatids on the homologous chromosome

Explain the exchange of chromosome segments between chromatids of homologous or non-homologous chromosomes?

a. crossing over b. independent assortment or c. random fertilization

Does cossing over lead to genetic variation?

Crossing over: exchange of parts of DNA in a homologous chromosome in the area where they come in contact with each other. Then this chromosome splits, during meiosis, to form a daughter cell (gamete) with a haploid number of chromosomes. During fertilization, the two gametes fuse into one cell containing now a diploid number of chromosomes. This process leads to genetic diversity and variation.

What process during meiosis causes genetic recombination?

Recombination may be caused by loci on different chromosomes that sort independently or by a physical crossing over between two loci on the same chromosome, with breakage and exchange of strands of homologous chromosomes paired in meiotic prophase I.