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It would look like this.

--¦ W W


w¦ Ww Ww

w¦ Ww Ww

All the offspring would be black-furred, all carrying one dominant gene and one recessive.

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You would form a punnet square :D

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Q: Suppose you have two mice one black one white the genotype for the black mouse is WW and the genotype for the white mouse is ww What would the punnet square look like?
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Predict the results of a cross between a rabbit homozygous dominant for black coat BB and a rabbit homozygous recessive for brown coat color bb?

i think you are asking for the outcome of the offspring, yes? The meathod that i know is to use a punnent square. A punnet square uses the probability to test the genotype (genetic makeup) and phenotype (physical characteristics. You can Google "punnet square" if you wish, to get a full description and how to make one. Here are my results*: there is a... 100% chance of a baby black rabbit (assuming that the black hair is domonant) 75% chance the baby will be homozygous (domonant,pure) 25% chance the baby will be heterozygous (domonant, hybrid) *these results are very general and i am assuming that there is no blending of the traits. (like a gray bunny!) Hope this helped!

Calculate the probability that an offspring will be black in the cross in punnet square b what is the probability it will be white?

the probabiltiy it will be black is if the grandparents are white or if the relitives that are 1st might be the soulution

Describe how to use the phenotype ratios to determine the percentage of offspring displaying each trait..a heterozygous gray bug Gg is crossed with a homozygous black bug gg?

i dont nkonw - - - - Ignore that person. If you are using a Punnett Square (2X2 box) then you will see that if you have a Gg (across the top) and gg (down the side) you will have Gg, Gg, gg, gg. The lowercase letters represent recessive traits and the uppercase dominant. The ratios are split into Phenotypes and Genotypes. If you have at least one dominant trait then it is considered a genotype (for this problem Gg GG). Double recessive is a phenotype (double lower case-in this case gg.) Your ratio for the above Gg, Gg, gg, gg is 2:4 (1:2) for both Phenotype and Genotype. Hope this helps!

In cattle black coat is dominant to white coat color a farmer has a black male of undetermined genotype how can the farmer determine the genotype of the male?

One way to determine the male's genotype would be to breed him to females with a known genotype of Black-Black. If any resultant calves were born with a white coat, you would then know that the male were Black-White. If calves were consistently black coated, you could be fairly certain he was also of the Black-Black genotype.

How can you explain the fact that the offspring that has a BB genotype and one that has a Bb genotype are both black?

B is dominant.

What is an organisms way to express its genotype?

No, the genotype is the genetic composition of the organism. On the other hand, the phenotype is the physical composition of the organism. For example, a gene that causes a bird's feathers to be black in color is the genotype and the phenotype is the actual observable of the black feathers.

What are some similarities between phenotype and genotype?

Genotype codes for phenotype. Phenotype is the expressed trait, for example, black fur. The genome that codes for black fur would be BB for example

What is the genotype of a black guinea pig if it is crossed with a whites guinea pig and they have 4 offspring that are black and 2 offspring are white?

Assuming black allele exhibits complete dominance and the white allele is recessive, the genotype is Bb.

What is the phenotype of a rooster with the genotype FBFW?

the offspring will have both black and whit feathers.

What happens if a blonde pit bull breeds with a black pit bull?

Then have their litter is to likely be black, and half be white, or some will have spots of splotches, black on white or white on black.Hope this helps, sorry if it was confusing!Twilight fan10________________________________________________________________________Well, it depends on the mothers genotype and the fathers. (genotype is written trait)Let's say TT and Tt are black and tt is blond. Let's make a Punnett square :D!Never mind! I can't make one on this stupid website! Well, I'll just tell you this, If the black dog is purebred, they will all be black. If the dog is heterozygous, half will be black and half will be white.Hope I helped :)

If your mom has reddish brown hair and your dad has black hair and you have black hair and you have a baby with someone who has brown hair what will the babys hair color be?

the babies hair color will most likely have black hair! its the dominant hair color which means its stronger {darker}. the recessive color is brown. it all has to do with genes and recessive and dominate traits! make a punnet square and find out!

The long black hair of a cat is part of its what a.phenotype b.allele c.genotype d.testcross?
