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The Prime Meridian and the equator cross this continent - Africa

(Correct me if i am wrong please!)

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Q: The Prime Meridian and the equator cross in what continent near which continent?
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The Prime Meridian and the Equator intersect in the sea off the west African coast. So the continent is Africa and, according to Google, it is off the Ivory Coast/Gabon.

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Africa, since the equator and the Prime Meridian both cross it.

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All of those markers cross Africa.

Did Columbus cross the equator or the prime meridian?

equator i think

Both the prime meridian and the equator cross which continent?

South Atlantic Ocean - close to Bight of Benin

What continent has the Equator prime meridian tropics of Capricorn and cancer?

All four of those imaginary lines cross Africa.

Which continent does the equator and prime meridian and the tropics of Capricorn and cancer pass?

All four of those imaginary lines cross territory in Africa.