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Q: The association of plants and fungi in mycorrhizae illustrates a type of relationship called?
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What is the association of a plant root and a fungus called?

The beneficial relationship between a plant and fungus is called "Eukaryotic".

What is the fungus called which has a mutualistic relationship with plant roots?


What is the use of mycorrhizae like glomus?

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Hyphae are thread-like filaments which from networks called a mycelium?

Somebody has to answer this question, for there is no answer for it and I don't know it neither. Edited answer: Micorhizal association

What is it called when organisms live together and in which the association is of mutual advantage?

The relationship these two organisms would share would be called a mutual(istic) symbiotic relationship.

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In which type of community relationship does one member of the association benefit while the other is neither helped nor harmed?

this is called commensalism.

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What kingdom does fungi live in?

The word mycorrhizae refers to a symbiotic partnership that includes both the fungus and the plant kingdom. Mycorrhizal fungi are the fungus kingdom portion. They attach to the plant root of the plant kingdom. The fungus root that results is called mycorrhizae.

The concept that involves combining or associating individual elements of unclassified information to reveal an additional association or relationship that warrants protection is called ________?

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What is an association between two organisms in which one is benefited and the other nether benefited nor harmed?

The association between two organisms in which one is benefited and the other neither benefited nor harmed is called commensalism. This is a symbiotic relationship.

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