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A daughter product is one name given to this effect. The daughter product itself may undergo radioactive disintegration again.

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Q: The atom that remains afterr a nucleus disintigrates is?
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Is the atom that remains after the nucleus disintegrate larger of smaller than the original atom?


The atom that remains after a nucleus disintegrates is what?

smaller than the original atom and possibly radioactive

Why an excited atom is electrically neutral?

Even an electron excited to a higher than normal energy level remains sufficiently close to the nucleus of its atom that the atom as a whole remains neutral.

What does adding a neutron to an atom's nucleus do to the atom's mass?

Adding a neutron increases the atom's mass by about 1 AMU assuming it remains stable.

Which part of the atom remains the same during physical and chemical changes?

i believe it is the nucleus.

What is the center of an atom called?

The center of an atom is called a nucleus (nucleifor plural).Center of an atom is called the "Nucleus".

What is the dense center of the atom called?

the denser part of an atom is the nucleus. about 99% of the mass of an atom is concentrated within the atom.

What part of an atom forms a nucleus?

The nucleus forms the centre of the atom. The protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus of the atom.

Center of atom?

The center of an atom is the atomic nucleus.

Most of the mass of an atom is concentrated in the?

in the nucleus of the atom

Where in a atom are protons found?

Protons are found in the nucleus of atoms along with the neutrons of the atom. The nucleus is always in the centre of the atom.

Is the nucleus in the atom?

The nucleus is the central part of the atom. (It's in the center)