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This is known as the foot wall of the fault.

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Q: The block of rock below a fault is called what?
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What types of fault is formed when plates diverge or pull apart?

Tension in Earth's crust pulls rock apart, causing hanging walls. In a normal fault, the fault is at an angle, so one block of rock lies above the fault while the other block lies below the fault. The block of rock that lies above is called the hanging wall. The rock that lies below is called the footwall.

The block of rock below a fault line is called what?

This is known as the foot wall of the fault.

What type of fault is formed when plates diverge or apart?

Tension in Earth's crust pulls rock apart, causing hanging walls. In a normal fault, the fault is at an angle, so one block of rock lies above the fault while the other block lies below the fault. The block of rock that lies above is called the hanging wall. The rock that lies below is called the footwall.

What is a block of below a fault?

The block of rock below a fault is the "footwall" if you are referring to geology/earthquake terms.

Block of rock below a fault?


What is a block of a rock that forms the lower half of a fault?

This block of rock is called a footwall.

What is a block of rock that forms the lower half of a fault?

This block of rock is called a footwall.

What is a block of rock that lies below the plane of a fault?

Foot wall

What is the block of rock that forms a lower half of a fault?

The footwall

What is the block of rock that forms the lower half of a fault is called what?


What fault rock above the fault surface moves downward in relation to rock below the fault surface?

This kind of fault is called a normal fault and is usually a sign of crustal extension.

What is a block of rock above a fault?

A hanging wall.