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pure covalent; ionic

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Q: The bond in the diatomic chlorine molecule Cl2 is but the bond in sodium chloride NaCl is?
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What is the sodium chlorine molecule?

Sodium chloride is encountered as an ionic solid, with a giant ionic lattice structure, containing Na+ and Cl- ions. Sodium chloride in the solid state is not molecularIn sodium chloride vapour at high temperatures there are discrete NaCl diatomic molecules

What makes sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride has the chemical formula NaCl - so, this molecule contain sodium and chlorine.

What is in a NaCl atom?

A molecule of NaCl (Sodium chloride) is comprised of Sodium and Chlorine.

When one molecule of sodium combined with one molecule of chlorine what is formed?

Sodium chloride is formed. Its formula is NaCl.

How can an atom of sodium an atom of chlorine form a molecule of sodium chloride?

sodium gives one electron to form sodium cation. chlorine accepts one electron to form chloride anion sodium chloride consists of an array or sodium ions and chloride ions

How many electrons in sodium chlorine molecule?

Sodium reacts with chlorine to form sodium chloride which is an ionic compound. It has a crystalline structure and has no molecules.

Why does sodium donate an electron to chlorine when a molecule of sodium chloride is formed?

Because it's donated

What is a sodium chloride molecule?

The term molecule is not adequate for sodium chloride because NaCl form large lattices. More exact is formula unit - NaCl.

What type of atom is in sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride has two atoms in the formula unit (NaCl): sodium and chlorine.

Is sodium chloride is a diatomic?

The correct term for ionic salts (as sodium chloride) is formula unit, not molecule; sodium chloride form very large structural lattices.

How is sodium electronic structure different to chlorine's?

Chlorine is diatomic but Sodium is not.

When one molecule of sodium combines with one molecule of chlorine what is formed?

Sodium ions and chlorine ions form sodium chloridemolecules; this forms salt crystals; table salt to be more precise!Equations:Sodium + Chlorine --> Sodium Chloride2Na + Cl2 --> 2NaClIonic equation: Na+ + Cl- --> NaCl